Pacifism & Nonviolence

Pacifism & Nonviolence

"I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war." - Albert Einstein

Today, I open up the snarky vault to delve into an old discussion from 2015. The show format was different, but the wrestling with faith remains the same.

Join me today as I talk with Professor Ben about the ethics of pacifism and nonviolence. With American Christianity so intertwined with nationalism and love of the military, it's far time to recapture why violence and the Kingdom of God should be strange bedfellows. They should be strangers.

We must remember that there is no "for God and Country." With Christ, it's only "for God." Period.

In the shadow of Memorial day, let's talk about why Christianity must be aligned with peace, and to follow in the steps of Christ means to embody this posture. We'll also talk about why pacifism and nonviolence are not just about war.

Enjoy the vintage Snark!

Come along for the ride as we skewer through life, culture, and spirituality in the face of a changing world.
